Infrastructure/Rehabilitation Coordination Meeting

Sectoral Co-ordination Meeting on

Friday, April 19th, 2002  

Introductory remarks:

The Chair proposed the following agenda:

1.QIPs: Update – Theresa Obradovich (UNHCR)
2.Schools: Update – (UNICEF)
3.Health facilities: Update – Boris Rebac (WHO)
4.Water and Sanitation: Update – Vladimir Kuculovski (UNDP)
5.Overview of Confidence Building Initiatives in Bitola – IOM
6.New Shelter Programme in Slupcane – DRC
7.Tools kit Distribution Programme – MALTESER
8.IMG database: Progress of data entry - (IMG)
- Repair Standards on CAT 3 and CAT 4 houses
- Progress of repair and reconstruction programmes (UNHCR)
- Progress of IMG reassessment – Jorgen Engel (IMG)
10.Any other business

1. QIPs & Community Projects: Update (UNHCR)

The World Bank is finalising the assessment for the PCF (Post Conflict Fund) grant. USAID has so far funded more than 100 projects through the CSHI (Community Self-Help Initiative) project. Under USAID/OTI funding, IOM has approved over US$ 1.5 million for small community based projects within the Confidence Building Initiative (CBI) prject to date. UNHCR QIPs programme is ongoing. UNHCR keeps record of rejected non-eligible proposals to facilitate funding through other agencies.

IOM/CBI highlighted that 102 projects, with close to US$ 1.7 million funding were approved to date, with plans to fund up to 250 projects in the first year that ends in October. CBI goal is to bring people work together with active involvement and participation by the community. 5 IOM/CBI sub-offices in Skopje, Bitola, Debar, Kicevo and Kumanovo facilitate implementation. Among other successful initiatives, CBI media offices conveyed a positive message through dissemination of free copies of Fakti and Utrinski Vesnik dailies in the crisis affected regions during the conflict.

Community Projects Matrix was presented. The matrix is simple and is not overlapping with the IMG PIMS and the "Who Does What Where" OCHA database. As many community projects concern water and sanitation, CPWG invited I / R agencies to review the matrix data and make corrections where necessary.

2. Schools: Update and Priorities – (UNICEF)

UNICEF has rehabilitated 10 schools in Skopje, Rankovce, Zirovnica and Veles, 1 of which with ECHO funding. No update was provided for the 78 schools in the conflict affected areas.

TFF, German CIMIC, reported that 2 schools were added to the TFF list. Agreements are being signed with contractors for the works in April and May.

IMG reiterated that additional funding is needed for Aracinovo, Slupcane and Matejce schools, where IMG is covering only a part of the works needed. The gym in Aracinovo and major structural repair of the new school’s roof in Slupcane have not been covered, while in Matejce only the central school building has been repaired.

3. Health facilities – update (WHO)

Ambulantas in Matejce, Slupcane and Nikuštak were completed last week and medical equipment is now being delivered. The additional works in Raduša were completed. Solidarites started works in Lojane and Vaksince. The Ministry of Health is still looking for a doctor for Raduša, while services in Aracinovo wil start as soon as the ambulanta is equipped. ARC mobile medical teams started with the services last week.

KFOR has forwarded 2 requests concerning rehabilitation of ambulantas in Skopje, outside of the crisis area.

4. Water and Sanitation - General Overview and Update (UNDP)

UNDP tender for the Kumanovo alternative water supply project was closed. UNDP is pushing to start implementation so to complete the works until weather is favourable. In Tetovo, Social Infrastructure Program (SIP) SIP will be included in the UNDP sewage project. SIP is active throughout the country where it is focusing on projects requiring labour intensive infrastructure and sanitation works.

5. Overview of Confidence Building Initiative in Bitola – IOM

A month ago, owners of the burnt-down shops in Bitola approached CBI requesting repair of the shops to facilitate return and normal work. The request was looked into with UNHCR that carried out a rapid damage assessment. CBI is keen to proceed and needs detailed assessment data and cost estimates. IMG noted that only preliminary housing damage assessment was made in Bitola, with some 48 units in all damage categories recorded. The assessment report has been provided to UNHCR and will be shared with CBI. Note was made that Bitola and other towns outside the conflict areas were not included in the reconstruction programmes, although suffered housing damage from the retaliation outbursts.

6. New Shelter Programme in Slupcane – DRC

The Danish Government approved new funding to cover 80 houses repaired by GRC last fall. Targeted villages will be re-assessed to ascertain the number of houses in need of repair. Therefore, it is still not definite if all the houses in these villages will be covered with the new funding. UNHCR noted could cover Cat 1 and 2 houses that will eventually remain.

7. Tools Kit Distribution Programme – MALTESER

Malteser is waiting for the approval of a proposal complementing ongoing Cat 1 and 2 self-repair programmes in Kumanovo, Aracinovo and Tetovo. The programme will provide basic construction tools kits to Cat 1 and 2 house owners. To facilitate the distribution of kits, UNHCR will provide Malteser with beneficiary lists for the UNHCR Shelter Programme and IMG for the Dutch funded programme.

8. IMG database: Progress of data entry - (IMG)

Entries from 12 donors on 172 projects were made so far. ECHO/Solidarites database transfer is in progress. Further progress can only be made if donors that have not provided information are approached with written requests.

9. Shelter

-  Repair Standards on CAT 3 and CAT 4 houses

Repair standards’ law sections have been translated in English. Copies were handed-out and agencies’ comments were sought for the next meeting. The Chair reiterated that the legal responsibility to meet the 100% repair standard is binding for the Government only. Agencies do not have to meet these standards and will continue to provide as much as they can.

- Progress of repair and reconstruction programmes (UNHCR)

UNHCR carried out technical assessment in Brezno, Alaševce, Karpoš and in Brest. Works are to start there within 10 days. 8 villages in the area have not been cleared of mines and the assessment will be delayed until the MoU for additional mine / UXO clearance teams is signed. Phase 2 of the 2002 UNHCR Shelter Programme has started and should be completed by end of June.

Several requests for rehabilitation of the school in Brest were received. Solidarites noted that it plans to start works as soon as the weather improves, possibly in 2 weeks, and will inform the villagers on its visit to Gošince and Tanuševci next week.

The Chair highlighted that there is still a gap for the reconstruction of some 900houses. If funds are not secured and works do not start by May, these houses will not be reconstructed in 2002. DRC noted that it intends to start fund raising for 140 – 150 Cat 3 and 4 houses in Šipkovica.

Updated AoR spreadsheet was presented.

- Progress of IMG reassessment – Jorgen Engel (IMG)

6 – 7 villages remain to be re-assessed in the Lipkovo area in the next 10 days. Details for the re-assessed villages are available from IMG.

10. Any other business

UNDP announced that the Ministry of Finance has issued a new manual for tax exemptions for NGOs. Copies in Macedonian are available from UNDP. UNDP will try to find out if English version is available.

Due to the May Holidays, the next Infrastructure / Rehabilitation meeting will take place in 3 weeks, on Friday, 10 May 2002, at 09:15 hours at the UNHCR Office.

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