Infrastructure/Rehabilitation Coordination Meeting

Sectoral Co-ordination Meeting on

Friday, March 1st, 2002

Introductory remarks:

The Chair explained that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the establishment of the new Infrastructure / Rehabilitation group as proposed by the Transitional Framework (TF), and review its possible ToRs.

1. Overview of the Transitional Framework process (OCHA)

The main purpose of the TF is "to empower communities to phase out humanitarian assistance through participatory, community based projects, creating an environment which will facilitate development". The TF is a participatory, evolving process to define a framework for transition from relief to development. Through various discussions objectives and principles as well as transition activities and coordination structure to support and inform the process have been defined. The proposed TF structure affects the existing coordination mechanism in that new sectors will be added or existing sectors revised so that coordination efforts respond to the move from relief to development.

The TF will be finalised before the 12 March Donor Conference (DC). While the humanitarian agencies will not seek funds at the DC, the Humanitarian Coordinator, Mr Awad, will inform the donors of the TF process and highlight the funding gaps in the 2002 Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal (CAP).

The TF discussions so far pointed out the logical link between the existing shelter and WES programmes and a need to merge them with actors involved in infrastructure rehabilitation and repair. As a result, a new sector Infrastructure / Rehabilitation, has been proposed to facilitate future coordination. Considering the nature and scope of these activities EAR has been suggested as the lead agency, but because EAR is office in the process of establishment, UNHCR agreed to maintain the coordination until EAR or other development agency takes over.

Since UNICEF ended WES coordination in the end of December 2001, OCHA temporary chaired the WES group and will hand over sector records and matrixes to UNHCR to include in the coordination.

2. ToRs for the Infrastructure / Rehabilitation Group

The Chair explained that the immediate task is to define what that could currently be included within the new sector’, initiate the coordination mechanism and provide consistent records for hand over later to a development agency. Noting that social infrastructure, shelter, electric supply systems and transport could be included, he opened the floor for agencies’ comments and proposals.

As regards to Infrastructure – EAR is the only agency involved in electricity covering the majority of the needs. In regard to transport / roads and railways – IMG assessment last year indicated minor damage to roads as result of the conflict. Railway repairs demand large infrastructure investments in which agencies present are not involved. Therefore, there was a general agreement that infrastructure component should include water and sanitation only, at least for the time being.

ECHO noted that, considering that the new sector is to facilitate transition, agencies should ensure the link with EAR, WB, UNDP and other development agencies. With regard to rehabilitation of schools and ambulanta, coordination will remain within UNICEF and WHO.

As for the coordination methodology, IMG noted that its PIMS (Project Implementation Monitoring System) database could support coordination efforts, as it includes a wide range of data from different sectors. IMG has funding and capacity to maintain the PIMS in the next 2 months and offered to provide its services for the purpose of sector data collection and management. Sector coordination will however be the responsibility of the working group.

In conclusion it was generally agreed that:

- there is no major need to include energy and transport in the sector coordination;

- existing shelter group will take-up (merge with) coordination of the WES programmes only;

- WHO and UNICEF will continue to coordinate the rehabilitation of the schools & ambulanta;

- links with schools & ambulanta coordination will be provided through mutual representation in the group meetings;

- sector data management will be made by IMG, through the PIMS database facility. Presentation of the PIMS will be provided in the next meeting;

- sector coordination issue will remain the responsibility of UNHCR until hand-over to agreed agency.

3.Any Other Business

The next Infrastructure / Rehabilitation meeting will take place on Friday, 8 March 2002, at 09:15 hours at the UNHCR Office.

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