Host Families Assistance

Minutes of the Host Families Assistance Co-ordination Meeting
November 9th, 2001

Chaired by Daria Ferrari, OCHA Office in Skopje


1. Winter clothes to host families (WV, UNICEF, Red Cross, UNHCR, German Caritas, Oxfam)
2. Hygiene Parcels (CRS, DRC, IFRC/MRC)
3. Firewood and stoves
4. Supplementary food assistance
5. AOB

1) Winter clothes to host families

The Chair briefed on the meeting of the Host Families Assistance Sub Group on Provision of Wither Clothes last Wednesday, 7 November 2001, in which the participating agencies (UNHCR, UNICEF, World Vision, Caritas Deutschland, DRC, OXFAM and MRC / IFRC) gave summaries of their ongoing and planned activities concerning winter clothes provision and reviewed the status of the coverage of the needs of the host families, their guests and other affected persons.

It was established that agencies participating in the Sub Group are currently using different beneficiary lists, mainly the one produced by the Macedonian Red Cross (MRC), then that of El Hilal, but also lists produced from individual assessments. Most of the agencies agreed that once the new MRC list of beneficiaries is available at the end of November, they will start using it for their distributions. To speed up the distribution of winter clothes, where possible, MRC / IFRC will try to provide agencies, in particular Caritas Deutschland, with the new beneficiary figures for certain parts of the country as these are produced.

To better plan the distribution of winter clothing, ensure full geographic coverage and facilitate coordination, the Sub Group has produced a matrix on the host families assistance, including provision of winter clothing and other types of material assistance. The Chair explained that the matrix gives breakdowns by geographic area, by adult and children IDPs in host families and in collective centres and by types and locations of assistance. It was noted that IDP figures included in the draft matrix were provisional as they were based on the MRC distribution list for the month of October. Once the new MRC beneficiary list is available the matrix will be revised accordingly.

The first draft of the matrix was prepared and presented for comments and updates by agencies . Updates by agencies included:

Caritas Deutschland announced that the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs has approved 400,000 DEM for winter clothes and shoes that will cover some 4,000 beneficiaries, including IDPs in host families in the southern parts of the country and some 1,000 IDPs accommodated in host families in the crisis regions. Caritas Deutschland could also cover adult IDPs in collective centres in Skopje and Kumanovo area if necessary. To speed up implementation of the project, MRC/IFRC will provide Caritas with the new beneficiary lists for the southern parts of the country as they are produced.

DRC noted that the announced provision of winter clothes for 1,174 children between 7 and 14 years of age will cover the Tetovo village of Mala Rechica, not Tearce. DRC also noted that the "sewing workshop" that is to be carried out in cooperation with the League of the Albanian Women, will produce a limited number of sweaters and should not be considered as meeting the a significant level of needs.

World Vision is counting and sorting used clothes, shoes and blankets that arrived recently from the USA in one 25-palette container. The majority of the goods counted so far are winter clothes. World Vision will report on the quantities and types once the counting is completed. They are open for suggestions on where to best fill in gaps.

As agreed in the Sub-Group meeting, IFRC will make a request to the Swedish Red Cross for two additional truckloads of adult used winter clothes to fill gaps that have been identified for IDPs in host families in the crisis areas. IFRC believes that this quantity can also cover adult IDPs in the collective centres in Skopje or Kumanovo. Distribution planning will be done in coordination with Caritas Deutschland, once precise figures on the Caritas project principal beneficiaries are available.

UNICEF continued fund raising efforts to cover IDP children in host families that remain uncovered as a result of shortfall of donors commitment. If needed, Caritas Deutschland may be available to assist in some of the needs of the children in collective centres in case UNICEF funds are not sufficient.

UNHCR will distribute blankets, one per person, to IDPs in 4 collective centres, 3 in Kumanovo and 1 in Skopje. The collective centres in Kumanovo were selected as they have heating problems, while the one from Skopje (Stiv Naumov) filed a specific request for this kind of assistance. The delivery has not been made yet.

2) Hygiene Parcels (DRC, MRC/IFRC)

Agencies concluded that host families are well covered with distribution of the hygiene parcels. This month MRC/IFRC is planning to distribute some 16,000 parcels.

As announced in the previous meeting, DRC will distribute hygiene parcels to IDPs in collective centres until the end of the year and will likely continue to do so with funds already approved for the year of 2002. In addition to the regular distribution, and on request by the Kumanovo community board, DRC will start delivering hygiene parcels to especially vulnerable cases' group of IDP families and their hosts (some 680 persons in total) in the Kumanovo and Lipkovo areas.

3) Firewood and stoves

UNHCR reported that the procurement has been completed and the firewood will be delivered to UNHCR in the following days. Distribution will be through CESVI. Priority in the distribution will be given to returnees, schools and ambulanta and to vulnerable IDPs.

At the same time, Mercy Corps International is distributing firewood in the Tetovo area provided through the USAID/OFDA emergency shelter assistance programme.

4) Supplementary food assistance

Action Against Hunger (AAH) reported that no supplementary food assistance has been distributed to host families on regular basis. Host families and IDPs are covered with the distribution of basic food (20kg flour and 2kg each of rice, sugar and pasta), while soon distributions will start to affected residents too. Based on the information available within the food coordination group, current food assistance is thought to be adequate. The findings of the recent assessment of food needs reinforced this.

5) AOB

The Chair reported that the issues raised at the 7 November meeting of the Sub Group on Provision of Winter Clothes will be reviewed within the sectoral coordination meeting on host families assistance. The Sub Group participants will continue coordination among themselves and will meet on ad-hoc basis.

The next sectoral coordination meeting of host families assistance will take place on Friday, 16 November 2001, at 10:30 at UNHCR.

Documents Distributed at the meeting:

1. Draft matrix on Assistance to Host Families.

For additional information please contact
Daria Ferrari, or
Silva Pesic,

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